Sunday, December 20, 2009

Planning...Marketing Tools...and Commitment equals Online Success!!

Planning...Marketing Tools...and Commitment equals Online Success!!

Building a business on line is no different than building anything else you've dreamed about. It takes 1) planning, 2) acquiring the proper building materials, 3) acquiring the proper tools, and last but not least the commitment to "give of yourself" with maybe blood, sweat and tears, plus an incredible amount of hard work. We've all heard the saying...."Rome was not built in a day!"

The same is true with building a successful business on line or building a business in a brick and mortar store in you're local home town. You must have a dream of your goals. It is best to write those dreams down somewhere and refer to your goals often. At least once a day, you should work to accomplish your goals, even if it's just a few minutes a day. The old saying...."the harder you work....the luckier you get", is definitely true when building a business. Plan to your venture, and you will automatically see results quicker than you ever thought imaginable. Remember it takes planning. Just having a plan is not enough in must aggressively pursue you goal(s) with vigor.

It requires your invest in the materials necessary to accomplish your goals. If you're not willing to make a commitment to acquire the proper materials you might as well hang up your plans, and send your computer back to the manufacturer. Don't waste your time or anyone else time if your not willing to make the commitment and sacrifices....that may be necessary to build your business.

Acquiring the proper tools is critical to your success. If you were going to build a house, you wouldn't start your project with only a hammer! You may need a saw....a ruler....a may have to acquire some nails to get the job done. No single item in itself will get the job done, however, without one of those ingredients you may never see your dreams come true. What ever the tools you need to accomplish your goals, you must be committed early in the process to acquire those items. Maybe some of these tools can be upgraded later, however, you must be totally committed to spend the time and the money to purchase these tools and then learn how to use those tools. If you have the best tools money can buy, and don't know how to use them, you will never....I repeat NEVER....see the success in your business opportunity you deserve. Only you can make that happen.

Last but definitely not least is the amount of time, blood, sweat, tears, confusion, staying up late and committing to get the job done. If anyone tells you....just sign up and you will become a millionaire within a short time....don't believe it. Sure we all like to think we've found that magic button....the easy button....wealth in a flash or whatever those scammers develop and hype to for you to participate in. If it was that easy....don't you think there would be room for you in such a program? NOT!! The promoters family....friends....and a limited few would be able to take advantage of such a lucrative offer. Don't you think the scammers (spammers) would want to hire a hundred or even thousands to work for them and keep all the profit, rather than offer you a piece of the someone they don't even know. Don't fall for this type of "opportunity" won't make a cent. That's why only less than 5% of all the people on the internet make money!

I hope I haven't painted a dark picture here....or discouraged you away from your dreams. That's not my intent! However, there is a way your can start small and work your way to success in your business dreams....without spend a fortune. Some time ago, I stumbled into a program that I thought in the beginning was what we just got through talking about. With my experience as a retired investment broker....I had learned over the years to do a "due diligence research" on anything that I look at that requires money. Man, was I ever surprised. This is what I had been looking for for over 5 years. A marketing program that was easy to understand....affordable to own....and most of all they had professional trainers....that was successful by using this remarkable marketing program. The training was free! How much better could it get? I jumped in with both feet and started to use the methods I was being taught to promote a product that I had bought on a whim at a trade show. Within a matter of hours....I was getting less than a week I was getting orders. All I was doing was following what I was being taught by the professionals. Now I'm privileged to be one of those successful on line marketers....and I now teach the things I have learned to the new people that join this incredible marketing program. By applying the marketing tools....that I learned in the free training sessions, I have been able to take my business opportunities and my SEM/SEO clients to Top Positions on Google. Isn't that what marketing is all about?

Take a look at some of my websites and see for yourself what proper marketing techniques, properly applied can make in your marketing dreams. Review the sites at your leisure....stay as long as you like. Then vision in your mind how I can help make your dreams a reality. If you have the desire....we can help you make it happen together. I've made the NO HYPE offer to show you what can happen if you're committed to your plan to become one of the 5% of money makers on the internet. The rest is up to you. If you make the choice to join me and my marketing team....that's cool, however, if you choose not to get involved....that's OK to. It your future....make your choices wisely.

In summary: With the BLM Traders Marketing system we can help you plan your future. If you need some personal mentoring to get a plan started....I can help. You can see some of the building materials by reviewing the sites I suggested above. You can check out the marketing tools....before you spend a nickel. The only thing I can't do for you is to make your commitment for you. The commitment is something you and only you can make.

If you have additional questions, or need some personal mentoring, you can contact me at the following contact information. Allow the eBiz Solutions Marketing Team with BLM Traders to help you in your quest for online success.

Larry L. Miller  SEO/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!



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