Thursday, January 3, 2008


Proper marketing tools are vital to your internet success!

You can search the internet until your blue in the face and may never find that magic program you thought you needed to succeed on the internet. There are literally millions of programs on the net making all kind of claims that their marketing program is the best. How does the average layman know which one of those programs to choose from and then make that informed decision to lay down your hard earned money for that one magic potion? If you’re like most people on the internet you have tried some of these hyped programs and the results were the same, a big fat zero. Don't feel bad... we've all made the same mistakes. I did it for five years and spent hundreds of dollars before I stumbled onto a program that did everything they said it would, and much more. Read very carefully the following information and then make an informed decision of whether to pursue your dreams on the internet or forget the whole internet thing.

First of all you must be willing to work for results on the internet. There is nothing easy about succeeding in business. That's why less than 5% of the people on the internet are making today. All the junk email lies you read everyday, stating you can become a millionaire in a short time is all ridiculous hype. You know the one's that says you can retire in one month and kick back of the beach and still make tons of money!! What a bunch of bologna, but they make it sound so appealing don't they. Let me very clear about internet marketing. There are three things you must commit to.

1) You must write down a plan and work that plan on a religious basis to even come in striking distance of becoming successful on the internet. Every successful thing ever invented has started with a plan, a blueprint if you will.

2) You must have a positive mindset to pursue your dream of internet success and let nothing stand in your way in fulfilling your dreams.

3) You must have the right tools to work with in order to accomplish your goals. Just remember there is NO magic button you can push and become one of the less than 5% who are making money on the internet today. You must cultivate your skills and apply those skills on a consistent basis plus hone your talents to perfection in order to ever succeed with internet maketing.

Do you have what it takes? Do you need help? If your willing to commit to internet success, then I'm willing to commit to helping you.

Let's take a closer look at the 3 things we talked about earlier. First of all you must have a plan. This must be your personal plan not what someone else wants you to do. Is this plan for your primary business? Is the plan for promoting your name on the net? These are all questions that must be answered before you can get startd. Sit down and write out your plan and then review that plan and see if your plan is realistic, achievable, and affordable and do you have the drive to make that plan happen. If your answer is NO, then you are defeated before you ever get started. You must commit to all of the above to fulfil your dreams of internet success.

Secondly, your mindset must be, you are going to accomplish your goals whatever it takes, not in 24 hours, not in one month; maybe it will take you a year before you will see any real results. You must be patient. You have to lay a good foundation, whether you’re building a house or a business. The commitment is the same. You have probably read about the house that was built on the sand, and the rains came and washed away that house. Why? Because the house built on the sand did not have a good foundation. But the house that was built on the rock stood the brunt of the storms and still remained standing. Make sure you are building on a good rock solid foundation for your business. Build that foundation one brick at a time.

And the third thing is to have the right tools. You can't build a solid business on the internet or down on the corner of Main Street without using the proper marketing tools. What do you need in the way of tools? Well, first of all you need a program that will generate quality sales leads. Without sales leads you will never be able to succeed. Don't buy worthless junk leads which is usally nothing more than names and email addresses. You can go into the phone book and get names. That is not the type of leads I'm suggesting. I'm talking about people who respond to your advertisement about your business that you are trying to promote. I'm talking about targeted leads to the market catagory your trying to reach with your business opportunity. One qualified sales lead is worth more to your success than 100's of worthless names or email addresses.

There is one program that I found in the last 5 years that is an all inclusive marketing program. It has all of the tools that you will need to do a complete marketing venture. From the initial blasting of your advertisements to the completdion of the sale. This program is very affordable and extremely powerful in marketing your business opportunity for the world to see. That program is being offered by Veretekk Marketing Systems. Visit their site for a complete review: Veretekk This is a program that offers a multitude of free marketing tools that will make your journey to success on the internet a pleasure to work with plus get results you never thought possible. This program is designed with the beginner in mind. Don't try to be an expert before you start promoting your business offering, let the experts at Veretekk help you accomplish your goals quicker than you ever could imagine. You see, Veretekk offers frrreeee live online trainings every day of the week several times a day. If you are a newbie or a seasoned professional, there is always a free class you can set in on and get the information you need to help accomplish your goals. Over 100 successful marketing professionals sharing with you the strategies they have used to succeed on the internet. You can apply these strategies to your personal offering and see how these features can be applied to effectively market your business offering.

You can start out by taking advantage of the free programs offered by Veretekk Marketing Systems. Join the free affiliate program and earn while you earn. Join the Leadsomatic Lead Generating system for free and start using the free tools being offered here. Blast your URL to over 40 of the premier search engines for free, and the list goes on and on. You can upgrade to better more comprehensive parts of the entire marketing program as you become more comfortable with the way the programs work. Upgrade as your finances improve. Upgrade as your mind absorbs more and more feature that apply to your business opportunity. You are always in control with Veretekk. Visit the Leadsomatic program for a complete overview of this valuable lead generating system.

In your review to success:

1) Have a plan, stay with the plan and religiously work the plan. Refine your plan as you accomplish your goals.

2) Have the right mindset and let nothing get in the way of your goals. Review your goals daily and make improvements as needed.

3) Have the right tools and consistantly use those tools to your advantage. Add affordable marketing tools as needed.

After you've reviewed your individual situation and you've committed to your goals and you still have questions or need personal mentoring, feel free to contact me at the following contact information:

Larry L. Miller

SEO Consultant
Internet Marketing Specialist
Leadsomatic Master Distributor
Verified Veretekk Trainer

801.937.2795 fax
skype: larrylmiller121

Email Me


Keywords: marketing tools|quality sales leads|sales leads|leads|targeted leads|business opportunity|qualified sales lead|veretekk Marketing Systems|larry l miller|business offering|veretekk|online trainings|affiliate program|leadsomatic

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