Friday, January 4, 2008

Get your ex-back

Get your ex-back

By Sterling Hayden

Get your ex-back, Many times when couples make an attempt to reunite after a break up things goes wrong. Not be because both parties don't want to give the relationship another try but because both man and woman approach the reunion with the wrong attitude, with a confrontational or aggressive attitude when trying to get ex back lover back this often damages the vital early stages of a reunion

The Confrontational attitude cause the person to approach the reunion with Confrontational dialogue because they approach the situation expecting a confrontation or with a certain amount of resist ants because of this attitude they tend to see the situation from one perspective and attacking the person rather than addressing issues and problems. With such an approach it is more than likely the attempt to get your ex back will be skewed towards a destructive direction because of the hidden agendas and aggressive language used to try and force a desire outcome.

If you have a tendency to communicate in an aggressive way you're going to find it difficult (if not impossible) to get your ex back when you see your partner or ex-partner as an opponent to be overpowered and force into submition with the mind set to get things to go your way and your way alone your ex-will become defensive and mirror back your aggression and Hostility becomes the norm your communication. Each person will quickly become distrustful and suspicious of the other's actions.

This could lead to both of you sticking to your own point of view and refuse to budge, making it difficult for both of you to recognize that you want the same things. You end up fighting for your position and forgetting that the reason that you decided to meet was an attempt at reuniting and instead of getting your ex-back you end up frustrated wondering why things are going so badly wrong.

Using words like the ones below can also quickly get the two of you disagreeing rather than agreeing:

 "You always..." "You are the one who.... Remember?" "Is that really necessary?"
"You never...are „„You the one who.... Remember?" "I wasn't going to but you...."
"If you don't come back in two weeks, I will start seeing other people!"
"If you don't want to get back together, you can forget about being friends."

If you use these kinds of word you you've pretty much sealed your fate. Confrontation always builds up resistance and resentment. And this all starts with the attitude you have when trying to get your ex-back.

So be sure to know what your attitude is when planning to get your ex back if it is confrontational you will need to change that kind of thinking to something more beneficial to helping you get your ex-back. Use an approach that will establish a successful dialogue; you have to behave as human being talking to other human being and adult taking to adult. You might not get exactly what you want (at that specific time), but at least you will be heard -- respected and even admired (once again).

The difference between getting your ex-back and not getting your ex-back is in how you ask.

By Sterling Hayden :If you are interested in learning how to get Your Ex – back in an effective and proven way go to


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