Thursday, January 3, 2008

Online Dating

Online Dating


Modern Romeo and Juliet: How to Go About Online Teen Dating



Online Dating.There was a time when a guy pursued a girl with poetry or songs, small gifts, and acts of love. But it seems these moments are over where a girl has to sit back and relax to wait for the opposite sex to reveal his interest to her. Old fashion dating is getting uncommon these days especially to the young ones. Online Dating



The youths of today prefer to meet people not only within their circle of friends. They tend to cross over the boundary to convene with other people. Online Dating



You can date without even stepping out of the comfort of your home. All you need to have is your set of personal computer or laptop, the internet, and most importantly the web cam. You are set to go about teen online dating. 


Juliet had her standards, every girl has. Primarily, you need to mull over and picture the type of guy you wish to be with. It is recommended that you write the traits and characteristics you expect towards the opposite sex. Do not merely focus on the positive aspect, it is also best to consider and depict the negative side. From there, try to think of ways on how to combat those unconstructive attitudes.


The next thing to do is face your computer and create your profile. Your profile will best describe who you are and what you want to accomplish on online dating. Hence, you need to carefully reflect on items which you wish to include in your profile. Some important considerations are the following:


Honest information. If you want to be treated with utmost honesty, then you must also show the same degree of truthfulness. If you do not want your complete name to be publicly advertised then you can use a screen name that best identify you.


Personal information such as your age, marital status, education, interests and other pertinent self-description must be presented with integrity. Additionally,   leave yourself-description light but make sure that it is within an affirmative atmosphere.


Specific goals. You need to identify what your goals are in going through online dating. It is best to pinpoint if you want mere companionship or activity partners.


Mention your own expectations. It is best to talk about what you expect from other people who have interests on meeting you. Setting expectations can leave an impression to the other person how s/he behave. Do not play around.


Picture perfect. A picture paints a thousand words. It is recommended to post your own picture on your profile. By doing so, the other person will have an idea of who you are. Do not leave your profile with a question mark photo or unidentified photos. This will leave doubts and hesitations to your viewers. Others may think that you are not serious with what you are doing. 


Once dating invitations start to fill your inbox, it is proper to provide courtesy notice. Most courtesy notices come in email form. Initially, make your email civil. Thank the other person for his interest on checking your profile. You can expand on some of your personal interest on your response email; however it is best to keep it short and concise. Put some mystery on getting-to-know-each-other stage.


Romeo and Juliet personally met. You as a teen-ager may be eager to meet the face behind the sweet electronic words. You can arrange for a "real date," and get to know the person face-to-face. Before you do so, it is best to consider some safety measures such as:

Bring a friend. Your friend will serve as your back-up if uneventful circumstance is to happen. You will gauge the sincerity and manliness of your date, if he welcomes and accommodates your friend.


Inform significant others. It is recommended that you notify significant others such as your parent, guardian or close friends about your date.

Leave behind important contact information. As you notify your significant others, it is best to give them the location of your date. In addition, list other contact information such as your mobile phone number so they know where to contact you. 


Indeed, there are things not meant to stay but there are also things which should be preserved to pass on the next generation.


Sterling D Hayden is the owner of A. Want to be more successful with your online dating find out more at


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