Tuesday, May 13, 2008


SFI LEADS Marketing Group Articles

Different personalities are found in SFI LEADS with some shared personality traits that are common to those who have started and operated in MLM already. One of the most common personalities inherent among SFI LEADS converting to SFI MLM business people is their entrepreneurial spirit. What are some of these traits that make up an MLM entrepreneur? Answer = Self-starter.

Self-starters are the type of people who do not just sit around thinking about something over and over again. Yet no action is taken to get things done. They decide on what needs to be done and simply do it. Take this example. You are in need of your own MLM website but income limits you from just hiring a web design company to make that site. As a self-starter, you would go to work about gathering all the information pertinent to web design and development. Then you would develop and design your site. In the end you would have a website that you have developed yourself.

More good new for the self starter is that at ItsGoodBusiness you don't buy leads and the work load that goes with converting those leads. You simply buy active customers and earn the commission from their purchases for life. The more customers you buy, the more money your earn. It is all happening at ItsGoodBusiness. Besides that, as part of the IGB team you will be delegated certain marketing functions you comfitable with with full live insrtructions in applieying what you learn at ItsGoodBusiness.

Shaun McClelland,
Skype cashking777
214 7174849

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