Friday, March 26, 2010

New to Internet Marketing - Need Help?

New to Internet Marketing - Need Help?

When I first started to market on the internet, no one told me all the different things I would need learn, to become a successful online marketer. Had they told me, I would have probably looked for something totally different to keep me busy in my retirement years. I was probably one the most computer challenged individual, you've ever talked to. I knew how to turn the computer on and off and play a few games, answer an email, and that was about it.

If seemed like everyone I talked to, was encouraging me to get my own web site and market my products online. My background was in marketing and sales which everyone thought would be a great help to me, however, I found that knowing how to sell doesn't mean a thing online, unless you have visitors coming to your site, to look at your business opportunity.

I learned quickly, there was more to this whole process, than putting together a basic web site, and having some one to put it live on the internet for me. I quickly learned that after the site is built, the work just begins. There is a whole lot of different strategies that I eventually had to implement into my online marketing, that I had absolutely no clue of how to do it, or why it was important. I thought to myself, I know how to sell, but that wasn't my online problem. The problem was that, nobody was visiting my site. Finally, it dawned on me, that unless I figured out how to do this marketing process, that I was just wasting my time and a lot of money on worthless programs. I had two choices; either learn the process, or to pay someone who knew how to make it work, and pay that company or individual for their expertise.

First of all, I needed to understand how to identify the differences between my site, and my competitors web sites. People were visiting their sites; Why? What were my competitors doing that I wasn't. I knew I could sell with the best of them, I've done it for four decades, and won all kinds of trips around the world. I finally decided, it wasn't anything to do with selling, it was all in the way the web site was constructed. I learned that it wasn't only the information the users was looking at, that counted, but, it was also the source codes, that the search engines look at. I had no idea there had to be a balance that included both the user and the search engines for me to get results. In previous articles, we've discussed the differences between what the user looks at, and what the search engine look at. Take the time and read about these differences.

Now the hard work I had to face, and the real chores was about to begin. I've always been one, that likes to look at what makes it all tick. The more I looked the more confused I got. After many months of struggling, trying to learn, studying, making changes etc. and still was not getting anywhere and decided that it was time to do something different in my approach. I looked and looked online, and finally found someone who made a lot of sense in his approach to this whole process, called internet marketing. This guy could also prove that he had good page rankings to verify he knew what he was doing. He was a Search Engine Optimization Master. I had no clue what that all meant either. When I talked with him, he would tell me of all the chores he went through everyday to make his sites and the sites of his clients, earn Top Positions On Google. I secured his services quickly, listened to what he told me to do, and it all started to fall into place like a giant puzzle.

There's two distinct ways you can get this job done. One, is to learn the process, and do it yourself, which take an incredible amount of time, or you can secure the services of a qualified SEO specialist, who has a track record. By using my SEO expert, I literally exploded my business and salvaged my dreams of online marketing. I'm not going to brag about how much money I make, that's personal. Let me say it this way....I make an excellent return for myself and my clients, for the time I spent, and the efforts that I have put forth to learn this whole process. If I can do it....anyone can.

Having the desire, determination and a good mind set, you to can make your marketing dreams come true. The business of online marketing is right now in it's infancy, and those who learn the process correctly, will the the new dot com millionaires of tomorrow.

You can gain a vast amount of knowledge, by searching online for articles, that cover a multitude of marketing tips and ideas that will help you once you acquire the basics of this rewarding concept. One of the most important things you must learn is; how to write information articles that will be so compelling, they will make the users, want your product or services. I invite you to read some of my recent articles, that will explain this process in greater detail.

By writing articles with well researched, strongly worded, informative information and posting those articles in blogs, forums, article directories and a host of other powerful sources, you will see good results rather quickly. Not only are the users looking for this type of information, but the search engine are always looking for relevant, keyword rich content on any subject, for their databases.

Do some research here, and get informed, about the things we've talked about here today. Once you find your niche market, and work up a plan that you want to pursue, then start the process of building your own business online. Get the help of the professionals, if you need to. You'll be more than happy with the benefits, that working for yourself can provide.
Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting
Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

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